
The Required Tags auditor will alert and optionally enforce tags on your cloud resources. Currently the auditor supports only EC2 Instances, but more resource types will be added at a later date.

Config Options

Option name Default Value Type Description
enabled False bool Enable the EBS auditor
interval 60 int Run frequency in minutes
alert_settings (See below) json Alert Settings configuration
audit_ignore_tag probator:ignore string Name of tag which, if present, will cause the auditor to ignore the resource
audit_scope None choice Resource types to audit
collect_only True bool Only collect information, do not enforce
always_send_emails True bool Send emails even in collect only mode
email_subject Resources missing required tags string Subject of email alerts

Alert Settings

Below you can see the default value for the alert_settings item. The default setting will send 3 alerts and then shutdown the instance before finally terminating after a 12 week wait.

The JSON document is a dictionary/map of keys, where the key is the resource type name (ex: aws_ec2_instance). There is a special key called global that will be applied to any resource type that does not have an explicit configuration.

If you add a resource type specific section, such as in the example below, if you provide a new actions list, you need to provide the entire list of actions, as it will override the global actions. However if you provide the requiredTags section, it will be merged with the list of tags from the global section as well.

Any required tags listed in the global section will be required on all resources, but the resource type specific tags allows you to add extra tags for just one or more types of resources.


The actions define what to do at specific intervals. Every action consists of 4 fields;

Name Description
name Name of the action, shown to end users
age Age of the issue, in a human readable format, required to trigger the state change. See available formats in the pyparsetime docs
action The action to perform, must be one of alert, stop or remove.
order Order from lowest to highest to control the next action to perform. This value is zero-indexed

Its important to note that not all resource types support being stopped. An example of this could be S3 Buckets, which are either present or not as you cannot “stop” an S3 Bucket.

Required Tags

The requiredTags section defines what tags are required as a dictionary/map object, where the key will match the tag’s Key. If you just want to test for the presence the tag you would set the value to null. However if you need to validate the value of the tag you can provide a regular expression that will be used to match against the tag’s value.

In the example below, you can see that the Name tag does not do any validation, but for the owner tag it must match the supplied regular expression, which in this case you match any valid email addresses.

Note The regular expression matches are performed across the entire string. If you need to match the entire value you should utilize the regular expression start-of-line and end-of-line markers, ^ and $ respectively. For example if you want to enforce the entire value of the tag to be either true or false you would provide the following expression: ^(true|false)$

Extra Config

The extraConfig section is currently not used, but provided in order to pass extra arguments for the stop and remove methods, and can be any arbitraty valid JSON values. As mentioned the built-in methods do not currently use any extraConfig values.

Default Value

    "global": {
        "actions": [
                "name": "alert:1",
                "age": "now",
                "action": "alert",
                "order": 0
                "name": "alert:2",
                "age": "3 weeks",
                "action": "alert",
                "order": 1
                "name": "alert:3",
                "age": "3 weeks, 6 days",
                "action": "alert",
                "order": 2
                "name": "stop",
                "age": "4 weeks",
                "action": "stop",
                "order": 3
                "name": "remove",
                "age": "12 weeks",
                "action": "remove",
                "order": 4
        "requiredTags": {
            "Name": null,
            "owner": "([a-zA-Z0-9._%+-]+[^+]@[a-zA-Z0-9.-]+\\.[a-zA-Z]{2,})"
        "extraConfig": {}
    "aws_ec2_instance": {
        "requiredTags": {
            "ssmEnabled": "^(true|false)$"