
The IAM Auditor is responsible for ensuring that the roles and policies you configure are always kept in sync across some or all of your AWS Accounts. When enabled the auditor will use the roles setting to create and manage roles in every AWS account in the system, as well as pulling policies and account-specific roles and policies from a Git repository

Roles Configuration

The roles setting allows you to configure roles to create and manage on all accounts enabled in Probator. The JSON document is structured as dictionary, with the top-level key being the name of the role, and the dictionary value has two keys; trust and policies


The trust setting must be a valid IAM Assume Role Policy Document. If the trust key is an empty object ({}), null, or not set, the default trust document is provided.


The policies key contains a list of IAM policy names to attach to the role. These policies must exist within the account before running the auditor, ideally being created by the auditor as well.

Example configuration

The example below shows how one can manage the role probator assumes for monitoring and auditing in your accounts

    "probator_role": {
        "trust": {
            "Version": "2012-10-17",
            "Statement": [
                    "Sid": "",
                    "Effect": "Allow",
                    "Principal": {
                        "AWS": "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/probator-instance-role",
                        "Service": "ec2.amazonaws.com"
                    "Action": "sts:AssumeRole"
        "policies": [

The example above would create a role on all accounts called probator_role, that allows a role from another account (arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/probator-instance-role) to assume it.

Config Options

Option name Default Value Type Description
enabled False bool Enable the CloudTrail auditor
interval 60 int Run frequency in minutes
manage_roles True bool Enable management of IAM roles
roles {} json A JSON document describing the global roles (see above)
delete_inline_policies False bool Delete inline policies, if present, from managed roles
hostname None string Hostname of the Git server
repository None string Path of the Git repository
disable_ssl_verify False bool Disable SSL verification of Git server, if https. Useful if using self-signed certificates
authentication_type oauth-token choice Type of authentication for API requests
oauth_token None string OAuth2 authentication token, if using oauth-token authentication
username None string Username, if using username-password authentication
password None string Password, if using username-password authentication