
class probator.wrappers.BaseWrapper(*args)

Bases: abc.ABC

Base wrapper class, setting up a logger, as well as default __get__ method


An instance of logging.Logger


A reference to the wrapped function

class probator.wrappers.retry(*args)

Bases: probator.wrappers.BaseWrapper

Decorator class to handle retrying calls if an exception occurs, with an exponential backoff. If the function fails to execute without raising an exception 3 times, the exception is re-raised

class probator.wrappers.rollback(*args)

Bases: probator.wrappers.BaseWrapper

Decorator class to handle rolling back database transactions after a function is done running. If the wrapped function is a member of a BaseView class it will also return any exceptions as a proper API resopnse, else re-raise the exception thrown.

Due to a caching mechanic within SQLAlchemy, we perform a rollback on every request regardless or we might end up getting stale data from a cached connection / existing transaction instead of live data.

class probator.wrappers.check_auth(*args)

Bases: probator.wrappers.BaseWrapper

Decorator class to handle authentication checks for API endpoints. If the user is not authenticated it will return a 401 UNAUTHORIZED response to the user